Dermaplaning is a gentle method of exfoliating the skin by using a surgical blade to work over the face in order to remove dead skin cells as well as vellus hairs (including blonde hairs that cannot be treated by laser). It is able to remove more dead skin from the surface than microdermabrasion and provides much smoother results with the removal of the vellus hairs. As the blade is a surgical blade and so fine, it does not shave the face like a razor and does not cause the hairs to grow any thicker, coarser or darker than prior to treatment and if left to grow back out will just grow exactly how they were pre treatment.
Post treatment, the skin may be slightly red due to the scraping of dead skin cells, however this usually subsides within a few hours post treatment.
A natural hair cycle is 4 weeks so it would be recommended to have this treatment monthly ongoing.
There is no preparation or post care required for this treatment